- Haunted by the Past -
Author Biographies
Matthew R. Davis is an author and musician based in Adelaide, South Australia, with a growing number of short story and poetry publications around the world. He's currently working on a number of dark fiction projects, has a novel under consideration with a major publisher, and is the bassist/backing vocalist for progressive metal band icecocoon. You can find more information on his various endeavours and misdemeanours at matthewrdavisfiction.wordpress.com.
Preston Dennett has worked as a carpet cleaner, fast-food worker, data-entry clerk, bookkeeper, landscaper, singer, actor, writer, radio-host, TV consultant, teacher, ufologist, ghost-hunter and more. His favorite job, though, is writing speculative fiction and books about UFOs and the paranormal. He has sold dozens of stories to Andromeda Spaceways, Grievous Angel, The Future Embodied Anthology, Perihelion, Sci-Phi Journal, Stupefying Stories, "T. Gene Davis’s Speculative Blog" and more. He has written 18 non-fiction books and more than 100 articles. He spends his days looking for new ways to pay his bills, and his nights exploring the farthest reaches of the Universe.
Amanda Hard is a former journalist and magazine editor currently pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing (Fiction) at Murray State University in Kentucky. Her horror fiction has appeared in numerous magazines and print anthologies, and her flash fiction has been featured in three graphic collections from The Daily Nightmare. She is a member of the Horror Writers Association and lives in the cornfields of southern Indiana with her husband, son, two dogs, and enough unattached dog hair to knit a third one.
Toby A. LeCrone was carried off to the far north as a small child and has since been unable to find her way back to warmer climes. She is currently hunkered down in the foothills of the Western Maine mountains, where she ameliorates her aversion to the long winters by ruthlessly editing the manuscripts of innocent authors, drinking tea by the woodstove with her dogs and grandkittens, and regularly subjecting her tolerant children to culinary experimentation.
Gregory L. Norris has written for national magazines and numerous fiction anthologies, novels, the occasional episode for TV, and even one produced feature film screenplay. Follow his literary adventures on Facebook or via his tiny slice of virtual real estate at www.gregorylnorris.blogspot.com.
Brett Parker is an a******. He has a short story featured in It’s a Grimm Life. He has a regular daytime gig, and drives a car with an automatic window that is stuck in the open position (he has to hold a towel over it when it rains, which could explain his horrible attitude toward everything). He loves Hunter S. Thompson, hates acid, and has a passing acquaintance with parrots.
Chris Phillips was born in Stanford, Kentucky, but being the son of a traveling preacher, he grew up across the country from the Midwest to the Deep South, devouring a buffet of American culture.
In 2007 he earned an English degree from The Ohio State University, and he is now pursuing a Masters of Fine Arts in popular fiction at Seton Hill University. His work has appeared in IGMS, Apex Magazine, Penumbra, and elsewhere. He also works as Managing Editor at "Flash Fiction Online".
T. S. Kummelman is a single father living in Odessa, Florida. He is the resident author at Tacitus Publishing, where he writes weekly reviews and rants under the oppressive fist of his Evil Editor. He was previously published in the collection It’s a Grimm Life, and occasionally writes a blog. His interests include ignoring his adult-ish kids, writing, reading, and McRibs.
Mischa Sagan lives in Chicago with a tolerant husband and an intolerant cat. She considers herself a horror writer and has published in that field. She hangs out with others who love cemetery tours and haunted houses. The only haunting she does (this side of the veil) is in the stacks of a library and used book stores.
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- Author's Page -
Mike Driver lives in Yorkshire, England. His publication history consists of his debut novel, the supernatural thriller, Fall, Leaves, Fall which is available on Kindle, Kobo, Nook, and all good ebook formats. He is also the author of 40 published short stories, the highlights of which are captured in his two short collections, Box of Bones and Midnight's Gate, while the remainder roam feral across the horror fiction globe.
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